Oct 08 2022 - Oct 09 2022
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
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Result - Class 01A. YH4 - One Round not Against the Clock (YH4)-Young Horses (4-YO) + Novice - (INDOOR ARENA) (YH 4 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 01B. DN - One Round not Against the Clock (DN)-Young Horses (4-YO) + Novice - (INDOOR ARENA) (DN Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 02A. YH6 - Special Two Phases (YH6)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (YH 6 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 02B. JR - Special Two Phases (Junior)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (Junior Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 02C. D2-A - Special Two Phases (D2-A)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (D2 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 02D. D1 - Clear Round Jumping (D1)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (D1 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 03 - Special Two Phases-Division 1 + Young Rider - (INDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 04 - Special Two Phases-Division 1 - (INDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 05 - Special Two Phases (CH)-Young Horses (5-YO) + Children + D2-B - (OUTDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 05 - Special Two Phases (D2-B)-Young Horses (5-YO) + Children + D2-B - (OUTDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 05 - Special Two Phases (YH5)-Young Horses (5-YO) + Children + D2-B - (OUTDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 06A. YH4 - One Round not Against the Clock(YH4)-Young Horses (4-YO) + Novice - (INDOOR ARENA) (YH 4 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 06B. DN - One Round not Against the Clock(DN)-Young Horses (4-YO) + Novice - (INDOOR ARENA) (DN Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 07A. YH6 - Two Phases (YH6)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (YH 6 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 07B. JR - Two Phases (JR)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (Junior Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 07C. D2-A - Two Phases (D2-A)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (D2 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 07D. D1 - Clear Round Jumping (D1)-Young Horses (6-YO) + JR + D2-A - (INDOOR ARENA) (D1 Section) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 08 - One Round with Jump Off-Division 1 + Young Rider - (INDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 09 - One Round with Jump Off-Division 1 - (INDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |
Result - Class 10 - Two Phases (D2-B)-Young Horses (5-YO) + Children + D2-B - (OUTDOOR ARENA) | DOWNLOAD |